Location and rents

Northchurch allotments are on two sites in New Road; the lower site with 33 plots and the upper site with 50 plots. Some plots are subdivided. There is a waiting list (six members currently) and priority is given to Northchurch residents. If you would like a plot, please email our Clerk

  • Rent is £45 for a full plot and £25 for a half plot including water for hand-held hoses.
  • The total rent is paid to the Parish Council by the end of October each year.
  • You can find our conditions of hire at the bottom of this page.

We rent parts of the north of the site to three organisations:

  • Sunnyside Rural Trust (SRT), a charity offering work experience for over 130 vulnerable local people and a farm shop.
  • Sunnyside Nurseries that sells hardy perennials, alpines & ornamental grasses.
  • O2, the telecommunications company, who have a mast disguised as a tree.

Northchurch allotments map.png


Our Allotments Committee has 3 councillors, 2 representatives from Northchurch Allotment Association (NAA) and several non-voting tenants. The NAA has a committee of 7 plot holders and 2 parish councillors. It holds social events and growing competitions and provides advice to tenants.

Allotments rules

The rules for renting allotments can be found here